226 Unistyle Simple Line icons for websites and mobile apps. Set includes retina ready SVG and PNG with transparent background 32x64x120px. Fully editable vector saved as AI and EPS. Also included hi-res JPEG and TIF. The icons set is ideal for freelancers and design studios, includes the most popular themes and is updated periodically.

NOTE: This product already includes 50 free line icons of Linerix FREE set, but unlike freebie version, here it's supports additional formats, such as AI, EPS and TIFF.

Choose the appropriate license type and apply the product in your projects.

air balloon, air conditioner, airplane, alarm clock, anchor, anger, anonymous user, apple watch, aquarium, bag, baguette, ball, beets, binoculars, bobber, book, bottle, briefcase, brush, building, cake, cake mini, camera, calendar, candle, card, carrot, cd, champagne, chef hat, cloud, cocktail, coins, cooktop, corkscrew, crane, cup, cutlery, diary, dvd, dead, donut, drill, eiffel tower, 3ds, ai, cdr, css, dll, eps, exe, gif, html, justice, jpg, js, mov, mpg, obj, pdf, png, psd, rar, svg, svg, zip, envelope, file extension, fear, feather, filter, fish, fitness, folding knife, tracker, flag, glass ball, glass, globe, graduate, grenade, happy, headphones, heart, hairdryer, hand tool, house plant, broken heart, imac, incoming call, kettle, key, kitchen hood, knife, ladle, lamp, law, libra, lifeline, lighthouse, Line icons, lock, outline icons, lupa, mailbox, marker, jason mask, megaphone, microphone, microwave, mirror, mixer, mobile phone, moon, movie camera, music center, network, notebook, oven, outgoing call, padlock, paint roller, pan, pen, phone, picture, presentation, pizza, printer, projector, protect, recorder, remote, real estate, revolver, rocket, ring, ruler, ruler pencil, sad, safe, sandglass, saturn, saw, scissors, settings, team, ship, shower, sink, sleep, socket, sputnik, star, sun, surprise, switch, table, target, thunderbolt, toilet, toilet paper, tools, travel bag, truck, tub, tv, ufo, umbrella, usb, user, wallet, washing machine, watch, web

3DS file extensionAI file extensionAir balloonAir ConditionerAirplaneAlarm ClockAnchorAnger Face AvatarAnonymous userApple watchAquariumAVI file extensionbagBaguetteBallBeetsBinocularsBobberBookbottleBrushBuildingCakeCakeCalendarCameraCandleCarrotCDR file extensionChampagneChef hatCloudCocktailCoinsCooktopCorkscrewCSS file extensionCupCutleryDead Face AvatarDiaryDiskDLL file extensionDonutDrillEiffel towerEmailEPS file extensionEXE file extensionFear Face AvatarFeatherFilterFishFitness TrackerFlagFolding knifeGalleryGIF file extensionGlassGlass BallGlobegraduateGrenadeHairdryerHand toolsHappy FaceHeadphonesHeartHeartHeartHoodHouseplantHTML file extensionImacJason maskJPG file extensionJS file extensionkettleKeyKnifeLadleLampLampLampLibraLifelineLighthouseLockMailboxMarkerMarkerMegaphoneMicrophoneMicrowaveMirrorMixerMobile PhoneMoonMov file extensionMovieMPG file extensionMusic CenterNetworkNotebookOBJ file extensionOLD TVOvenPadlockPaintPanPanPDF file extensionPenPhonePhone incoming callPhone outgoing callPizzaPlastic CardPNG file extensionPortfolioPresentationPrinterProjectorProtectPSD file extensionRAR file extensionReal estateRecorderRemote controlRevolverRingRocketRulerRuler pencilRussian mailboxSad Face AvatarSafeSandglassSaturnSawScissorsSearchSettingsSettingsSettingsSettingsShipShowerSinkSleep Face AvatarSocketSputnikStarSunsurprise face avatarSVG file extensionSwitcTableTargetTeamThunderboltToiletToilet PaperToolsTravelTruckTubUfoUmbrellaUSBUserWalletWashing MachineWatchWebZIP file extension

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